Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Picture by: Gellah
I had heard about the book The Secret about a year and a half ago or so. And, for some reason, it really appealed to me. It's a tiny book that is very easy to read, with a fantastic idea. It is an idea that can potentially be hard to wrap your head around, especially, as a westerner.The author of the book is Rhonda Byrnes, however there are many people that speak within the pages of this book, to explain The Secret, as completely and succinctly as possible.

As you turn to the back of the book,  the author, Rhonda Byrne states, "It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. This centuries-old Secret has been understood by some of the most prominent people in history: Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, Einstein- along with other inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers. Now The Secret is being revealed to the world."
 Pretty exciting, don't you think? Well, it drew me in for sure. So, I began to read the book, and finished it in a couple of sittings, and I was thrilled. I believe in it this book whole-heartedly!

To quickly summarize, the book The Secret tells you that everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy. And like energy attracts like energy. In other words, if you think positive about something, that thought being energy,  will then align with positive energy in the universe.That positive thought will, therefore, become your reality. The same can be said about negative energy. So, basically, what you think about is what your reality becomes! Pretty far out, huh?

 As I read that powerful claim, my next thought was a frightening one, however. If what you think becomes your reality, then wouldn't all my negative thoughts, which seem to be somewhat out of my control at times, also become reality? Well, yes. But, don't worry too much.

The authors talk about this point very clearly. They claim that while negative thoughts do results in negative reality, positive energy is much stronger than negative energy. So, what you must do, is trump your negative thoughts quickly with a positive thought. And, as you do this more and more, this will become second nature and habit. At first it might take practice, but it will become easier.

 I know what you may be thinking, So am I now going to have to worry about every thought I have throughout the day and have to focus on it?  Who has that kind of time? That seems crazy! Well, don't worry about that either. What you must understand is that with every positive thought, there comes a feeling. That is a good feeling.(good thought = good feeling.) And with every negative thought there comes a negative feeling. So you must just focus on your feelings. If you are feeling relatively good throughout the day. You must be thinking good thoughts, so you're doing exactly what you should be doing.  If you are not feeling good, then you must get into the habit of turning your negative thoughts into positive ones as quickly as possible. As soon as you realize you feel sad or angry, quickly think of how to change that thought and subsequent feeling into a positive one. It is, after all, much easier to focus on your feelings. Once you start to realize your feelings more and more, you will learn to change negative into positive. It is a great exercise for your life. And, it will make you ultimately happier!

Courtesy of: Andrew Rossol
Listen, do not get me wrong, I do admit, that the concept within this book, while superbly exciting, was also hard to believe. And the authors understand that too. So, they ask you to try out the idea of The Secret on something small and quite tangible, to begin with. I decided to try this out right away and was very excited to do so. I decided that since I go to my local department store on a monthly basis, if not more, and constantly have to park extremely far, (and grumble angrily about it every time) that I would start to think about getting one of the first three spots in front of the store.

I have to tell you that the first ten times that I thought, "One of those three spots is mine," and I felt it without a shadow of a doubt, that I got the spot I wanted nine out of ten times. And after the initial ten times, subsequent times going to the store have yielded success 98% of the time. The few exceptions were times that I was not really thinking about the parking spots at all!

Once you try something small, and see that it works for you, you are supposed to go on to something bigger and greater. For me, it has been a struggle, because while it is easy to believe that I can get a good parking spot, believing in something much bigger can be a challenge. My self doubt does get the best of me a lot of the time. I am trying to read and re-read The Secret. I am also learning how to have more gratitude and a greater belief in myself. I am doing this to negate my self doubt and to allow more positive energy to come to me more easily and freely.

There is no doubt that I would highly recommend this book. It is a quick and easy read. I believe in the power of The Secret. Hey, maybe you will, and maybe you won't. But, with so much negativity in the world, I think that a book that has such a radically positive concept, that may in fact change your life, is worth the read. Don't you? Happy Reading y'all! xoxo


  1. I recently re-read this book and found it even more inspiring the second time around! And, like you, I also experimented with the small trial and saw the results! Glad you liked it and are sharing the Secret with the rest of us.

  2. Lifeasart, Thank you so much for your comment!!! I like to share anything that is a positive in my life!!! Im glad you read my post and enjoyed it! Now I just have to apply The Secret to the bigger things in life, at least bigger than a parking spot! ;) Hope you keep reading! Is there anything that you might want me to write about/ youd wanna read about? I appreciate your support!!! Keep The secret working for you sister!!!

  3. Id love it if oyu followed. I tried to follow you but couldnt find the spot to do so?! Any suggestions. :) Your blog is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!!
